fun at Ringsfield Hall

It’s Thursday! Our last day at Ringsfield Hall

We have had so much fun with the animals and each other. We had some lovely cake and we are having a talent show today. I wonder who will win? I bet there will be some fantastic/funny acts!

This morning we had a selection of activities to do. We had to pick either art, whittling or play in the games room. Lola liked the whittling best, but Kalie liked the art better because the art room is nice and you got to draw whatever you liked. The most exciting part about today is that tonight we are having some marsh mallows on the camp fire.

It has been the best times of our lives, and when you come here you must have fun.

We have to go now because Lola needs to practice her act for the talent show. It’s weird and even more weird.

by Kalie and Lola


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4 Responses to fun at Ringsfield Hall

  1. baileigh says:

    I wish I was still there!!!!!! I WANT MARSHMELLOWS!!!!!!!!

  2. Kristin And Raf (Ella Mai's Mum and Dad) says:

    Wow! Even more fun! I’m sure you’ll all enjoy this evening too. Ella Mai we got all 3 letters today! It was great to hear all the details! Try and take some pictures of your room and around Ringsfield Hall!

    A huge THANK YOU to all the school staff who ‘volunteered’ to on this trip and make it possible! We really appreciate it!!!

    Kristin and Rafael xxx

  3. Lesley and James says:

    Wow Lola, you are having so much fun, bet you will be sorry to come home to your wonderful family!
    How is your whittling going? I bet you are a natural just like Daddy!!
    Jezebel sends you lots of kisses and scratches.

    We miss you SO much, even your arguments!!!

    Love you,
    Mummy, Daddy, Elizabeth, Jezebel and Louis xxxxxx

  4. Camilla says:

    If that was Lily and Evie then I wouldn’t be surprised…. Anyway sounds like you are being cheeky and are having a good time. See you guys tomorrow love you xxx

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